Published December 18, 2023

Enhance Travel Businesses with WordPress themes: Helpful Tips

You're just one factor away from leveraging your travel agency in this digital era and that is selecting the correct travel tour booking WordPress theme. Here is why it is important.
Enhance Travel Businesses with WordPress themes: Helpful Tips

The number of travel tour booking WordPress themes is increasing day by day. In such a competitive and hard-to-search tour booking theme era, almost all tour operators rely on WordPress themes to enhance travel businesses.

Whether it be in the context of features or the context of user experience, Emprise is undoubtedly a winner. Moreover, this theme has several features that might be excluded from any other travel booking theme in the market.

What do you want from a travel tour booking theme as a tour operator? Some say better features, some say affordable pricing, some say easy SEO, and others say better UI/UX. However, we know that these things are equally crucial for any tour operator to enhance the online presence of their travel businesses.  

Get the perfect features and UI designs for your tour booking website with Emprise.

Why use a travel tour booking WordPress theme?

enhance travel businesses

Here’s a question for all the tour operators before we move to the heading: Which would you choose: building a website from scratch or getting a readymade website that requires changing content and images?

travel WordPress theme is designed to provide ease and efficiency to tour booking businesses. Just import the demo data and ready your website; that’s how easily a WP theme completes your site-building journey. 

This takes some penny from your pocket but adds much time for you to think about your business growth rather than spending time on your computer preparing a website. Time is precious, for sure! So, it’s better to spend it to enhance your travel businesses by letting tour booking WP theme do the designing and building.

Let us give you a better example: a tour booking WP theme for tour operators is similar to Jarvis for Iron Man. Just like Tony Stark only focuses on saving the world, and most of his tasks like suiting up, throwing missiles, etc, are done by Jarvis, you need to concentrate on your business, and creating a perfectly aligned website will be done by the tour booking WordPress theme.

Travel booking themes can automate many web-building tasks that otherwise take more than enough of your time. Therefore, a tour operator (like yourselves) should use a travel tour booking WordPress theme.

Is Emprise the best travel WP theme choice to enhance travel businesses?

After reading the above section, this might be one of the questions in your head. We don’t say Emprise is the best, but we claim it is one of the best themes you will use. As mentioned earlier in the blog, the Emprise theme is a perfect mixture of exceptional features and a playful user experience. The Emprise team dedicates itself entirely to enhancing your website’s appearance in the search engine and attracting tourists to get what they want.

Make your travel tour booking website development journey easier with Emprise.

Every component and element of the Emprise theme is designed from the end user’s point of view. Yes, even though the designer does all the designing and the developer does all the development, the review is done with the end user’s eyes.


Whether for the tour operators’ comfort or end users’ convenience, the Emprise covers it. Moreover, this theme also offers a one-click demo import feature so that the tour operators can prepare their website with just one click.

In addition, tour operators can also list the tour packages right from the front end (Yes, this is one of the features you will not find anywhere else.) The feature helps tour operators enhance their travel businesses easily. Therefore, this is undoubtedly the most-loved feature by all the users who have used the Emprise theme.

SEO to enhance travel businesses

We know how crucial organic traffic is for any tour-operating business. Moreover, we also understand the cruciality of Search Engine Optimization for ranking any website higher in search engines. 

Therefore, the Emprise theme also integrates a customizable footer section for links dedicated to SEO. All the content (headings) also aligns with SEO from the point of view. 

Besides, you can add images to increase alt tags and integrate your customers’ reviews to strengthen the social proof of the quality of your services. 

Did You Know? Social Proofs are the most vital tool to showcase your travel booking website’s goodness to new visitors.

User Interface and Experience

No matter what type of tour travel booking website you develop, satisfying your end customers is what it should do. The Emprise theme has included multiple CTA right in the first fold of the website. You can lead your visitors to whichever page you want by clicking that CTA button.

Moreover, we have also integrated an announcement bar or info bar at the top of the website where the tour operators can announce any offers or discounts. When visitors see the offers, they are more tempted to check out your website, and there is a higher potential for conversion.

Besides, the user interface is also very well-planned, which includes an images and videos section, CTA buttons, a customer review section, hover effects, engaging font and color customization options, and many more.


Don’t worry about fewer pages because Emprise has a separate page for almost everything. If you want to add activities, there is a page for that; if you want to add a destination, you have a separate page. Seriously! There is a separate page for everything you (or many tour operators) want to add.

Moreover, all these pages connect for better SEO results. Therefore, no matter how many pages you build, the sitemaps will be perfect and interrelated for better internal linking.

Business tracking

Put your diaries in your drawer and let the Emprise theme track your business. By business, we mean sales, revenue, total bookings, and everything related to business growth. The theme automatically records everything and provides you with the result. 

You do not need to track your business or the booking status manually; leave that over the Emprise tour and travel booking WordPress theme.

Payment Integration

The payment option is one of the most concerning factors for tour operators and travelers. Sometimes, the websites might not accept a compatible payment method with the end user, and sometimes, the payment method accepted by a tour booking website might not be accessible to the traveler. That leads straight to cart abandonment.

The Emprise theme has multiple payment acceptance options to end the cart abandonment rate. Whether your customers want to pay via Stripe, PayPal, MasterCard, VisaCard, or similar payment methods, your website will accept that when built with the Emprise travel booking theme.

Emprise gives you the Perfect Prize

How can Emprise enhance travel businesses

Yes, the Emprise travel tour booking WordPress theme provides the perfect prize for any tour operator when they choose this theme to take their tour booking business online.

By prize, we mean increased organic traffic, better SEO, decreased cart abandonment rate, happy customers, and increased revenue. As the visitor enters your website, it attracts them and converts into your potential customers because of its appearance and features. With all these, travel operators can enhance their businesses to the next level.

Therefore, we recommend all tour operators try the Emprise theme if they plan to create a new website for their tour booking theme or switch to a new theme. 

Check out more of the best features of Emprise.

Final Words

WordPress themes are the perfect way to enhance travel businesses in the era of digitization. An ideal WordPress travel theme contains all the features and plugins necessary to take your tour-operating website to the next level. Besides, it also helps you gain more visitors, customers, and revenue.

If you are still confused about which travel tour booking WordPress theme is perfect for your website, you can try the Emprise theme. This theme has enough features and customization options to enhance the travel businesses’ online presence.

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