Published December 12, 2023

Best Travel Booking WordPress Theme For Many Reasons? – Emprise

Thinking of developing a website for your travel booking business? That's a good thought but which theme are you choosing to do so? Here is why we recommend the Emprise travel booking WordPress theme.
Best Travel Booking WordPress Theme For Many Reasons? – Emprise

What makes any travel booking theme the best travel booking WordPress theme for travel booking? Well, there are a lot of factors that determine whether a theme is perfect for creating a full-fledged website or not. Whether it be the User Interface or the features and pages included in the theme, everything matters when comparing it to its competitors. 

Developing a tour booking website from scratch is undoubtedly a hectic task for anyone, whether a professional developer or a newbie. However, doing so with a travel booking theme already brings a UI/UX designer and, to some extent, even a website developer to your team.

Are you also a tour operator trying to take your business online? If so, choose the perfect theme for your website so that your tour booking website does not lack any essential features when it goes live.

Significances of the best travel booking WordPress theme

Being the best theme takes a lot of work. Getting “the best” tag requires a lot of specialties and advantages that can benefit the users. The best WordPress themes promise to enhance how tour operators build their websites and increase website traffic after developing the travel booking website using that theme.

travel booking WordPress theme

Here are a few significant things that you can witness in the best travel WordPress theme:

  • Easy tour listing options: One of the essential features of the best travel WP theme is that it should allow the tour operators to list the tours and travel packages. This can be a hectic process with several tour and travel booking themes so the tour operators might prefer something other than the theme.
  • Advanced and Intelligent Search Options: A travel booking WordPress theme comes with advanced and intelligent search bars so that the website can efficiently serve travelers looking for any package. For example, if the visitor types the letter A, the search bar should automatically list all the tour packages and destinations starting with the letter A.
  • SEO-Focused: The best WordPress themes have SEO-focused content to help the websites rank better on Search Engines. Moreover, they also come with an especially SEO-centric footer section, as the tour operators can insert important links to increase backlinks.
  • Multiple Payment Acceptance and Configuration: Any tour and travel booking WordPress theme must have the feature to accept payment from any sources like Stripe, MasterCard, VISA Card, etc. Moreover, the payment configuration is also made as simple as possible to reduce cart abandonment and improve booking rates.
  • In-built Email Notification Config: This feature assists tour operators in sending emails to their clients and potential clients according to the funnel. The email notification config enhances the tour booking business’s marketing and advertising through emails.

These are a few of the most essential features to be included in any theme to be known as the best travel booking theme. However, several more elements can heavily impact the goodness of any travel tour booking WordPress theme. Moreover, these features also help tour operators and travelers give and receive booking services.

Why is Emprise the best travel booking WordPress theme?

travel booking WordPress theme

We are not bluffing here because proven facts and features give us the confidence to say, “Yes, Emprise is the best travel booking WP theme.” The Emprise theme comes with all the elements mentioned above, and we have optimized its content with SEO best practices. With several demo pages, highly aligned and configured pages, and user-friendly responsive designs, Emprise gives tour operators more creative freedom and scope to design their websites in their way.

Tour booking websites focus on driving more travelers and converting them into customers. Doubtlessly, travelers are one of the most picky groups of people as they have the eye of an eagle when booking a tour package or destination to visit.

You might also read: Tour booking WordPress theme for attracting tourists.

Emprise’s developers have researched the travel market and figured out the basic features any traveler would want before they book a destination from that travel booking website. Therefore, we can guarantee that the Emprise theme is the best theme for any tour/travel booking website if they want to drive more traffic and increase the revenue of their travel booking business.

Here are a few more reasons why Emprise can be considered the best-in-the-business travel booking WordPress theme:

Perfectly responsive and user-friendly design:

Visitors will love how your website appears, and that’s our promise! If you design your website using the Emprise travel booking WordPress theme, you will surely experience more traffic and conversions.

Global Font and Typography:

Which font suits your website the most? With the Emprise travel booking WordPress theme, you will not have to worry about limited fonts and typography options. Seriously! There are unlimited numbers of font families and typography options that you can surf on and use on your travel website.

Coupon Codes:

How vital are coupon codes and offers to increase customer loyalty? You might know that because people select the companies and services offering discounts. With that in mind, Emprise has built-in coupon codes that you can configure and edit.

Enhanced Booking System:

The booking system of Emprise is way more advanced and enhanced than most of the travel booking WP themes. Your customers can experience the best-in-the-market tour and travel booking WordPress theme on your website developed with Emprise. It has a flexible booking process and provides the invoice to the client when they book tour packages.

Mega Menu with Icons and Multiple Drop Menus: 

This might seem optional for any travel booking WordPress theme. However, when it comes to the user experience, this enhances it more than you can imagine. Nowadays, people like to see things rather than read texts, and in that context, a mega menu with icons has the best impact on a better user experience.

Benefits on the travel operators

Regarding being the best travel booking WordPress theme, user-end benefits alone do not count. The theme also needs to be equally beneficial to the tour travel operators. Without any second thought, the Emprise travel booking WordPress theme has many features that can enhance the tour operator’s experience with building their website and monitoring their business growth. 

travel booking WordPress theme

To make it easy for tour/travel operators to build a website and track every activity efficiently and the ups and downs happening with their online presence, the Emprise WP theme offers several features dedicated to business owners and operators. Here are some exceptional features provided by the Emprise travel booking WordPress theme.

Front-end tour submission:

Tour operators can easily submit or add a new tour destination or package from the front end. They do not have to go to the dashboard and do all the formalities to add new tour/ travel/destination listings. This saves the tour operators time and effort to invest in any other important task.

Yoast SEO Support: 

The Emprise travel booking WordPress theme supports the Yoast SEO plugin, which helps tour operators optimize their websites for search engines. Add your meta title, meta description, featured images, and image alt attributes with the help of the Yoast SEO plugin and make it ready to rank higher on search engines like Google, Bing, etc.

Sales Stats and Report:

Keep track of every sale through your travel booking website with the sales stats and report features of the Emprise theme. Moreover, these features also help you calculate your business’s ROI and all the other expenditures while tracking the total revenue.

Multiple Source Payment Acceptance: 

With this feature, tour operators can accept payments from many sources, including e-wallets and cars like Stripe, MasterCard, VISA Card, etc. This ensures that no traveler abandons your site because there is no payment option.

Blogs with Sidebars for marketing purposes: 

The Emprise travel booking WordPress theme comes with blogs and sidebars so you can use the blog page for marketing purposes. Write blogs to push your services and products and use the sidebars to insert different advertisements or previously posted blogs.

Also read: 7 Advantages of Online Booking WP theme for tour operators.


This blog was written so that the tour operators understand what can help their website gain better results in search engines and ultimately increase their revenue. 

Furthermore, we suggest new tour operators build their websites with the Emprise travel booking WordPress theme for comfort and better user experience. Once you start your online tour booking journey with the Emprise theme, we will significantly increase your website’s customer retention and search engine ranking factors. 

Choose the Emprise package most favorable for you and dive into accessible travel booking website design and development. With extensive features and user-oriented creative strategies, Emprise will undoubtedly increase the potential of your website and help your business gain more and more bookings.

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