Published January 23, 2024

SEO for Travel Blogs: Why are they so Important?

SEO for Travel Blogs: Why are they so Important?

Do you know that SEO is one of the most critical factors for travel blogs to get better results? 

Writing blogs automatically refers to working for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). One important thing about any blog is that it should be quick for people to find it and read it. Instead, the blog must be so well-optimized that when people search for anything relevant to the blog, it should yell out that this blog can solve the problem or answer the search intent.

The same goes for travel blogs: If you have written a blog about an affordable trip to Bali, and someone searches for the same or similar query/keyword. In that case, your blog should be the first to appear out of the millions of blogs or travel packages available on search engine listings. To do so, you need a superhero, and that superhero is SEO for travel blogs.



    • SEO for travel blogs is essential for explaining travel routes or essentials to people. 

    • Responsiveness or mobile optimization is a crucial aspect of SEO for travel blogs.

    • You can achieve monetization opportunities if your travel blog is optimized for SEO. 

    • SEO also provides competitive benefits to the blogs and, ultimately, to the companies associated with those blogs.

What is SEO for Travel Blogs?

SEO means search engine optimization (optimizing content for search engines like Google). Travel blogs are long content written to help people understand any travel destination or related things. When you write a travel blog and want it optimized for search engines like Google, that process is called Search Engine Optimization for travel blogs.

Note: Travel Blogs can be travelers’ experiences, overviews and descriptions of travel packages, or extra information that travelers should know before starting the journey.

The core motive of SEO for travel blogs is to help them rank higher on search engines and answer the search intents or queries posted by the audiences. As blogs are also used for selling different tour packages, SEO is one of the best marketing strategies for travel agencies

With Travel SEO, agencies can avoid spending money on different paid marketing strategies. Besides, people who love your blogs are more likely to visit your website and buy the product (travel packages).

Some Travel SEO Stats Before We Get Going

Before we start with why SEO for travel blogs is so important, here are a few stats related to travel SEO. These stats are collected from several sources, and they will help you understand how beneficial SEO is for travel blogs:

  1. Over 75% of people who search organically do not reach the second page of Search Engines.
  2. The average click-through rate of any URL ranking first in the SERP is 31.7%.
  3. More than 33% of travelers from the U.S.A. take advice from travel blogs.
  4. Blogs that load fast and are highly mobile-responsive are more likely to achieve higher rankings on Search Engine Result Pages.
  5. The average conversion rate of organic search is 8.5%.

You must have understood the advantage and importance of having blogs for any business. The same goes for the travel industry. You must also understand that blogs alone are not enough; they must be optimized for search engines to get even better results.

Why Consider SEO while Writing Travel Blogs?

SEO and blog posts are both critical to each other and are interrelated as well. No matter how perfectly you describe the travel experience, it won’t rank higher on search engines, and when it does not rank higher on search engines, people barely find your blogs. Here are why travel bloggers need to consider search engine optimization while writing travel blogs:

Visibility Growth

Incorporating SEO with travel blogs will help it gain a higher visibility rate. Search engines consider that properly optimized blogs can answer the audience’s search intent. Therefore, search engines tend to put those blogs on the top of SERPs. Anyone who searches for something relatable will see the blog ranked higher on the ranking page.

We can take the example of the blog in the image below:

Search Engine Ranking Example

In the picture above, we can see the search intent: advantages of booking theme. That is what people ask Google when they want to know the benefits of booking themes, and Google thinks that the blog from Emprise best answers the search intent and puts it at the immediate top of the ranking page.

Helpful blog: Tips to Optimize SEO for Your Travel Booking Website

Reach Target Audience

This links with the point above because people with search intents are likelier to be potential travelers or want to know about that topic. If your blog answers travel-related questions, travelers will undoubtedly read it. This means that, ultimately, your blog reaches the correct audiences, which can provide you with multiple benefits in the upcoming times. 

If we retake the same example, a person actively looking for the benefits of WordPress themes to develop a website is more likely to search for the advantages of booking themes. Therefore, the blog will be fruitful for the audience trying to build a website with a booking theme.

Marketing or Promotional Benefits 

When you consider SEO for travel blogs, they reach the correct audience or the people actively looking for the answer to a particular search intent. In that case, having well-written content that provides perfect information about a specific topic can increase trust and credibility. Eventually, you can also add different products or services related to the blog’s intent, and your audience will certainly make a purchase whenever necessary. 

In the above example, the blog also contains links where people can click, and the links redirect audiences to the purchase page of the Emprise tour booking WordPress theme. Any reader who wants to develop the best travel agency website without any coding hassle can click on that link and build the travel website with Emprise.

Easy Web Development?

Is that what you want? Wanna develop a perfect travel website without coding?

Distinctive Advantages

One of the best things about having better SEO is your blog ranks higher in the search engine ranking pages. This means that the blog you have written and posted wins the competition against many other blogs with similar intent targeting a similar audience group. 

The example above shows over 183 million results for that particular key phrase. However, the blog that blog has topped the list. Do you know how did that happen? That’s because of SEO. 

This has given Emprise a competitive benefit as that blog appears first in Search Engine Ranking Pages.

Better User Experience

While working on SEO for travel blogs, writers must also work on different aspects, like readability, use of easy words, images, etc. All these factors play essential roles in enhancing the user experience. 

Moreover, responsive design is also a significant factor in improving user experience. You can use the best travel WordPress theme, like Emprise, for responsive design. This theme offers perfectly responsive and designed blog pages.

Did you read the blog in the example? If you did, you would notice that it uses straightforward, easy-to-read, and understandable words.

Monetization Opportunities 

When your travel blog fulfills all the criteria mentioned above and ranks well on the search engine result pages, you can make money out of it. Suppose your content is well-written, exceptionally crafted, uses readable words and sentences, and answers the search intent perfectly. 

In that case, the chances of different businesses associated with the travel industry reaching out to you to promote their products and services increase decently.


There is no doubt that SEO is essential for Travel blogs or vague for blogs related to any industry. Writing travel blogs cannot bring leads if you work on the SEO. However, a perfectly optimized blog can potentially lure search engines and visitors. 

There are several tools to check the SEO for your travel blog. However, Yoast SEO can be the best option if you write blogs on WordPress or use WordPress themes to develop your travel website. This SEO plugin is available in most of the best tour booking WordPress themes like Emprise.

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